Thursday, July 5, 2007


He is out of the state for a week and a half. I'm really very sad about it, but I do hope he has a good trip and returns safely to me. While he was gone, he left me a list of instructions. There's several things I have to do daily, and one thing includes shaving my legs and touching up my toe nail polish every morning. I also have to change the color polish at some point. I have to post, daily, a photo of my legs and feet so I can show if I have been a good girl and followed directions.

So here is installment 1, July 5, 2007:
Installment 2, July 6, 2007:

I had a crazy couple of days so he let me off of a couple of my here's Installment 3: July 8, 2007:

Installment 3: I forgot last night, so I am doing a late upload for July 10, 2007:


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